A Few Short, Vague Notes on ACM's Approach, Process and Output to Date
ACM's research revolves around one central question:
Does life still need to be this difficult?
They say you find the answer you are looking for, so the answer we are looking for is:
In 00007 - Reality is a Puzzle,
ACM mapped out the broadest conceptual areas of our civilization.
Starting from the furtherest points out, ACM will work it's way in.
If it doesn't make sense at first, it's because the world doesn't either, and that's what we are studying.
In 00081 - Meet the Necessities,
Our needs were boiled down into two things.
As initial research points to no overly pressing issues specifically with Earth's oxygen supply,
Ape Con Myth's current focus is Economics.
The world is already awash in people taking a straightforward approach to our problems.
ACM thinks the long way might be quicker. Please bear with us.